Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Weaning.... or not.

Isn't it funny how God helps us grow? Before I was a mom I remember saying a lot of things like, "Well, I'd never let my kids do that!" or "I'll never do this or that!"
One thing I used to always say was that I would not be nursing my kids till a year and I certainly wouldn't nurse any longer than that! My first baby had issues with a milk allergy and I got so nervous about everything that I switched to formula at 6 months. (I know now that there are things I could have done, but it's ok!)
Then came baby #2. I remember our pediatrician asking if I was only nursing and was pleased when I said yes, the benefits are HUGE. I was so glad that I was nursing when at 2 weeks old, my little spiderman got RSV and was hospitalized. It was horrible. There just are no words to describe that experience and the understanding that babies die from this virus. My little man was probably the only baby in history to actually gain weight during this trauma! I attributed that to the frequent nursing and apparently the very high calorie milk that I make! HAHA! My boys are big boys and by the time they're 9 months old they look like they're a year! They also both walked at about 10months so I was afraid of looking like I was nursing my babies well beyond the necessary time!
Anyway, he nursed till right about one year and it was lovely. Here I am with my baby girl, she's 13months old and shows no signs of wanting to wean. She is so little and sweet and such a mama's girl. Although I am so ready to have my body back to myself for a while, I am counting my blessings that I can nurse my babies and that it has been an amazing experience. I know that not all mommy's get to experience it.
So, I certainly feel like every time I say, "I will Never....." then inevitably it will happen. So, just to put this out there, "I'll never be a millionaire who lives on my own private island!"

1 comment:

  1. You know what they say, RockStar...the only "perfect" parents are the ones who don't have kids yet. They are the ones who say, "I'll never." LOL Love you!
