Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I hear you!

There are times in my life when I find myself saying, "Lord, Ican't hear you! I need you and I can't hear you!!"
I know He's there. I know He is on control. Yet, I panic when I have to be still and wait. Lately, the Lord has been answering some long awaited prayers for us and we're just about speechless by the path he's laying out for us. Down to the little things.
As I was coming home from a photo shoot the other day I found this...
The chalk drawing was made by my middle son and myself and it's a picture of Grammy... the heart shaped leaf however, was placed there by God. I find myself noticing His love notes to me. I stopped, dropped everything in my hands and was so glad to have my camera on my shoulder! I snapped this pic and smiled. I love you, Lord. Thank you for loving me so much.


  1. So sweet, you supermom! I love this testimony of God's love...someone else might see a leaf that is messing up their chalk drawing...as soon as you saw it, you knew it was a love note from God. Good stuff!
