Monday, August 1, 2011

A funny conversation

I'm not much of a texter, but my little sis and I were chatting a bit the other night, here's our conversation that shows that we are both pregnant and a little spazy...

sis: Did you see the show about celebrity nanny school??
me:No! I was busy eating in the kitchen.
sis: Come bring me food! I'm so hungry but everything here is g-ross and we have no food.
me: I just ate 2 bowls of Pops cereal... I don't even like Pops cereal. Need a donut.
sis: haha mmmm. donut sounds good.

That's it.... ugh. now I need a donut.


  1. That is tooooo funny! Donuts . . . ummmm can't say i like um' all that much since I used to proof them, bake them, fill them, decorate and glaze them . . . just the typing makes me a bit nausiated but I am NOT PREGO!

    Hahahahahaha enjoy your donuts when you get together! ;-)

  2. How are you? The child you carry? Praying and thinking about you A LOT!
